7 Smart Tips for Keeping Your Kitchen Organized

This is a guest post by Kate Trout of Maternity Glow
Let’s Talk About Tips for Keeping Your Kitchen Organized
If you’re anything like me, then your kitchen is the domain in your home.
For me, it’s a place where I have total control, total joy, and total comfort. It’s calm, clean, quaint, and ultra-organized. As a busy mom, I don’t have time for clutter, messes, junk drawers, or misplaced items. My kitchen is my sanctuary, and it can be your sanctuary, too. Allow me to share seven of my most favorite tips for keeping a kitchen organized.
1. Take Full Advantage of Drawer Organizers
I used to have a junk drawer in my house. We’d literally toss anything and everything into it. From receipts, to paper clips, extra keys, and even a pens, it just seemed like the easy thing to do. But after cringing one day when it became filled to the brim, I picked up a basic drawer organizer.
It allowed me to keep all my “stuff” categorized and it made my life much easier. I then did this with my utensils, my snack drawer, and we even have a larger drawer specifically for baby items, like our bottle warmer. They even make large organizers that hold pots and pans with their pots in place. Thanks to these organizers, I know where everything is in my kitchen at a moment’s notice.
2. Color Coded Lids
I’m a big meal prep person, mainly because I have two small kids who take up a large chunk of my time. So, I have a lot of storage containers. These containers are organized in my fridge by color. Red lids represent veggies, blue lids represent leftover meals, and green lids are baby food for for my son, and so on. The colored lids make looking for what I want in the fridge a breeze, and I also tend to stack the same colors together too.
3. Create a Coffee Station
I love my coffee station for a number of reasons. First, it makes me feel as if I’m at a bed and breakfast! Next, all of my mugs are in one place, next to the coffee maker. I have air-tight canisters of coffee at the station, as well as napkins, stirrers, spoons, and to-go cups. I like how it feels super homey and my guests are able to serve themselves when they need a cup of Joe. With everything coffee related in one place, it minimizes traffic in the kitchen each morning when everyone is getting ready for their day, which is important because heavy kitchen traffic can lead to accidents.
Remember, if you have little ones running around, you want your kitchen to be a safe place just in case they enter the kitchen. I have a whole guide on creating a safe play area for your kids if you want to check out more.
4. Use Chalkboard Paint
Chalkboard paint is your friend! You can paint jars, Tupperware, and other food storage containers with a swipe or two of chalkboard paint. Once it dries, you can label them as needed so you can clearly see what’s in what. When you change what’s in the container, simply wipe it clean and re-label. You can also toss the unsightly snack bags and containers that hold all of your food items, and have a tidy looking pantry, filled with always fresh-tasting snacks.
5. Spice Rack
A spice rack is a non-negotiable in order to consider your kitchen “truly organized.” Whether you hang it up, or sit it on your countertop, you can ensure quick access to all of your spices when cooking. Put them in ABC order, and even consider placing them in clear jars. Why? It makes it easy to see which spices you are almost out of so you can do a refill or repurchase.
6. Go Magnetic
If you don’t have a magnetic strip near your oven or cutting boards, you’re missing out. These magnetic strips are great because you are able to keep your knives out of reach from little, curious hands. Plus, you don’t have to fumble around a big, bulky butcher’s block looking for the type of knife you need. They are all placed neatly in front of you and allow you to grab them in one quick swoop.
7. Hang a Dry Erase Board
The dry erase board in my kitchen is my brain! Not only do I jot little things down on it, like doctor’s appointments, or my to-do list around the house, I also list the items I am out of and need to pick up on my next grocery store excursion. I spend most of my time in the kitchen, so it makes sense to have all of these little reminders posted here. I also keep a stack of sticky notes and pens next to it, so I can create my grocery list and go.
An organized kitchen will change your life.
It will not only save you tons of time, but make your food items and pantry look ultra put together.
Hopefully, my seven tips and tricks will inspire and encourage you to reevaluate your current kitchen system and give it a makeover today.
- 7 Smart Tips for Keeping Your Kitchen Organized - September 16, 2016