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My Go-To Supplements for Immunity, Sleep, and Skin Health

water glass and vitamin

Last month, I thought I’d caught the typical back-to-school cold—just like clockwork, when my kids returned home from their first week. But this year, something was different. I noticed I wasn’t as run down as usual, and I’m convinced it’s thanks to the Vitamin D3 I started taking daily in June. It’s amazing how little changes can make such a big difference. Whether it’s supporting my immune system or helping me get a better night’s sleep, my go-to supplements have been helping me feel my best as we transition into fall. Here’s what I’ve been using lately to feel my best.

1. Vitamin D3

With the shorter fall days, I’m not getting as much sunlight, which affects my vitamin D levels. Vitamin D3 has been my go-to supplement for boosting my immune system and mood. Especially as someone who’s constantly on the move (and sometimes stuck indoors at my desk for hours), I can’t always rely on natural sunlight to give me what I need. Taking a daily dose of Vitamin D3 has helped me fight off those early autumn sniffles, and I’m feeling much more energized.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

This fall, I’ve been prioritizing my skin and joint health. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, have been a great addition to my daily routine. Not only do they support brain health, which helps with my focus during long workdays, but they’ve also reduced joint stiffness. My skin tends to dry out during the colder months, but with Omega-3’s anti-inflammatory properties and ability to improve balanced hydration – I’m giving my skin an extra dose of protection this season.

3. Melatonin

Sleep is non-negotiable for me. With a busy household, full-time work, and kids who need me at my best, getting enough rest is crucial. But sometimes, with so much going on, falling asleep isn’t as easy as it should be. Low doses of melatonin have been a lifesaver. I’ve been using it to ensure I get the restful sleep I need to tackle each day with energy. It’s been especially helpful during the transition into fall when the shorter days and busier schedule mess with my sleep patterns. These Melatonin gummies are easy to take before bedtime.

4. Oregano Oil

Whenever I feel something coming on—whether it’s a scratchy throat or a bit of congestion—oregano oil is my go-to. With its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it’s been a powerhouse for boosting my immunity. I take a few drops in water or juice when I’m feeling run down, and it helps me bounce back quickly. Plus, it’s a great daily immune support to ward off anything the kids might bring home.

5. Vitamin C

It’s no secret that Vitamin C is essential for immune health, and I’ve been making sure to include it daily, especially when the kids come home from school sniffling. A quick effervescent tablet in water or a few Vitamin C gummies keep me going strong and helps me stay on top of my health. I

6. Probiotics

I’ve learned the long way that gut health is directly linked to my immune system and mood. Since incorporating probiotics into my routine for the past few years, I’ve felt an overall improvement in digestion and a boost to my immune system. Keeping my gut healthy helps me avoid those nasty colds and viruses that always seem to circle back around this time of year.

7. Ashwagandha

With the added stresses of balancing work, family life, and the change in seasons, I’ve turned to ashwagandha to help me manage stress. This adaptogenic herb has been ideal for reducing anxiety and keeping me focused during busy days. I take it in the mornings with my other supplements, and it helps me stay calm and productive throughout the day, even when things get hectic!

Ready to Stay Healthy This Season?

This fall, I’m more prepared than ever to tackle the changing seasons with the help of these wellness supplements. Whether it’s fighting off a cold, getting better sleep, or keeping my skin healthy, these products are keeping me at my best. What’s your go-to wellness routine for the fall? I’d love to hear how you stay on top of your health and what supplements you find make a difference.

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Emily Smith

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