Free 30 Day Minimalism Challenge! Are You In?
“The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.”
― Marie Kondō

Starting Somewhere Is Better Than Starting Nowhere
Over the last year, my husband and I have worked through our garage, our basement, our closets, and most of our home spaces to purge what no longer serves us.
Some of the items we purged were in great shape, so we donated them. Some of those items were recyclable, so we put them in our bins. Some of those items were trash, so we tossed them.
The process has been a year long. Not because it needed to take a year, but because we did it sporadically. And there’s still work to do. We need to level up and let go, even more.
But why?
Because it changes things.
A decluttered space really does encourage a decluttered mind.
When your environment is free from chaos, disorganization and stuff that is weighing you down, your mind is more at ease. Freeing yourself from the burden of things that are taking up space and aren’t useful to you creates room, both physically and mentally, for more important things.
As a work from home team, my husband and I know that balance is key to the success of our business and family life. It hasn’t come easily. We work on creating balance daily.
Over the years, we have honed in on what works for us and one of the most important factors to having the room to pursue our goals is a clutter-free environment.

Let’s Clear That Clutter, Together
This is why we’re so enthusiastic about helping you clear your life from clutter and distractions to allow you to focus on what truly brings you joy, both in your work and personal life.
We’re taking the month of January to go even deeper than we’ve gone this past year and we’re inviting you to join us!
We’ve created a Free 30 Day Minimalism Challenge guide and workbook to do 1 daily task for 30 days to pare down even further.
By organizing the spaces we live in, things change.
It’s less of a struggle to decide what to wear when you like what’s in your closet and it’s not cluttered by a whole bunch of stuff you will never, ever wear.
Meal planning becomes possible when you can open up your pantry, fridge, and freezer, and see your food options labelled and organized.
Doing your taxes feels less overwhelming with documents filed and in order, so you can easily go through them.
Cleaning your home when items have designated spots for them and there is less unnecessary clutter doesn’t seem like such a monumental chore any more.
I could go on.
A minimalist lifestyle is about making space for your life experiences, your passions, and your personal goals by getting rid of the excess stuff that is weighing you down.
“But when we really delve into the reasons for why we can’t let something go, there are only two: an attachment to the past or a fear for the future.”
― Marie Kondo
Is it time to let go?

Are You Ready to Kick off the New Year With a Fresh Start!
We’re about to embark on a brand new decade!
What does the next year, or 5 years, or 10 years, look like for you?
Would purging and organizing your home (office, car, garage…) help you live your best life?
Do you need encouragement and support to declutter your home and let go of things that no longer serve you and may even be holding you back in life?
We’re NOT here to offer you a quick fix! It will take your time and your effort.
We ARE here to offer you a plan, helpful actions to take, encouragement, love and support!
Together, we can kick off the New Year with a fresh start.
You CAN clear away the clutter from your home, life, and mind, so you can focus this new year on what really matters to you.
Are you ready? Let’s do this!
Sign up below for your FREE 30-Day Minimalism Challenge guide and workbook.

30 Day Minimalism Challenge
In this FREE guide, you will receive a 30-day calendar which will outline the challenge’s tasks at a glance. You will also receive directives and tips to take on each daily assignment. Here’s what’s included when you sign up:
- Challenge at a glance: 30-day calendar
- Directives and tips for each daily assignment
- Space to write out a plan of action for each day and notes
- Questionnaire to answer before you begin the challenge
- Questionnaire to answer after you’ve completed the challenge
- 3 printable quotes to visually encourage you
Additionally, you will get:
- Access to our Minimalism Challenge Facebook Group for online support, daily prompts and a whole lot of encouragement!
- Daily email reminders and affirmations to help you take on the challenge
- FREE printable planning sheets and calendars shared in the Facebook Group (cleaning schedule, meal plan…)
Together, we’ll conquer the chaos and kick-off the new year with a fresh mindset!

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